Business foundations, transformations, sales and disputes among associates or partners, managing director’s contracts, cooperation agreements and anything else needed in companies. We will provide you with all this from a single source – for companies of any size, on the national and international stage. We do not only keep an eye on legal issues: We also bear in mind the entrepreneurial and strategic perspective. And when we enforce claims, we do so with the necessary farsightedness.
Whether alone or with associates or partners: Setting up a business should not be done just somehow. Deliberately setting the course right from the start – that is what matters. Because laying solid foundations for a successful entrepreneurship is seldom done between nightfall and daybreak.
To find the suitable corporate form is one aspect of the business foundation. Another one: a company agreement that ideally combines personal ideas and arrangements with associates or partners as well as fiscal considerations, reduces liability risks and provides primarily one thing: legal certainty inwardly and outwardly. We will assist you with all of this. We will put our knowledge and practical experience at your service. So that you will succeed right from the start.
Financing is an issue for start-ups in particular. Ways of funding are thick on the ground and options to arrange them are countless as well. The higher financial burden of classical credit financing should be weighed against the say of investors when other ways of funding are considered.
We will check loan agreements. If you get investors on board, we will make sure that you do not completely hand over the reins. In addition, we will support you when it comes to public subsidies or finding the necessary capital for your company via crowd-funding. Uncomplicatedly, if necessary, creatively and always with the necessary security.
Transformation & restructuring
A company is anything but static. It is constantly changing. Planned by external influences or internal procedures, however, often not planned at all. At the same time, changes often do not fail to leave their mark on the legal framework of the company.
Modifications are necessary. Because associates or partners may leave, because business models and/or liability risks may change. Because business units may be outsourced or a merger may be planned. Because investors get on board or employees are supposed to participate. Or a tax optimisation is possible. We will take care of the legal side of these things – inwardly and outwardly – so that everything works out right.
Company sale or acquisition
Whether complete divestment, a sale of shares or a sale of single assets: To recognize the interests of the opposing party in the deal is helpful to draw up, negotiate and conclude legally and economically suitable contracts.
To know what the interests are within the company’s own ranks can also be crucial to not trip over internal personal sensitivities or strategic differences when hitting the home stretch of the deal. The right internal regulation at the right time might then be worth a mint.
Whether a sale or acquisition in Germany or internationally, whether contract arrangements, contract reviews or negotiations – internally or externally: Exactly that is our métier.
Dispute among associates or partners
A dispute among associates or partners is unpleasant. It can even be ruinous; however, it can also often not be prevented completely. If a company is at odds, solutions have to be found – on and for both sides. With or without an involvement of the courts, with a lot of time or in an extremely short period of time. In that way, blockades, financially or legally existential threats due to the dispute among associates or partners can be avoided.
Your legal department’s hands are commonly tied in this situation: Legal advice has to come from external sources. With knowledge, experience and sensitivity, in particular with disputes concerning family-run businesses, even when it is urgent. We offer all of this.
Receivables management
Bad payment practices of customers and partners cause unnecessary efforts. However, this problem can often not be prevented. So there has to be a way to enforce claims. On a large scale using the right strategy for a variety of cases. Or in an individual case with the proper tactics which take the peculiarities of business relationships into account.
We will take care of your outstanding debt. With the necessary emphasis and the necessary sensitivity. Because the bad payment practices of others should not turn into a problem for you.
Advice for companies is, of course, more than company law and receivables management. Numerous fields of law play a role. Legal support that forms a uniform and integrated whole makes perfect sense here as well. This is why our commitment for you is not limited to “C” for “company law”. We are also there for you when it comes to competition law or copyright law, to “L” for “labour law” or “liability law” or to “T” for “trademark law”.